I got your voice on tape, I got your spirit in a photograph

Thumbnail of the map 'I got your voice on tape, I got your spirit in a photograph'

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Author lsudny
Tags action author:lsudny rated
Created 2012-06-13
Last Modified 2012-09-01
by 9 people.
Map Data

Description always out of reach you are.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'twenty thousand pixels under the sea' Thumbnail of the map 'CHECKERSARECOOL' Thumbnail of the map 'Microwave Minutes' Thumbnail of the map 'Untethered' Thumbnail of the map 'chambers.' Thumbnail of the map '/mindswap'
twenty thousand pixels under the sea CHECKERSARECOOL Microwave Minutes Untethered chambers. /mindswap


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i forgot

to fave it^^

awesome map


very tough map

excellent tiles, but the map was slightly annoying. full marks for the tiles, average gameplay, therefore, 3.5/5.

there were some nasty jumps in there, but once I got the hang of it, I enjoyed it. I don't say that often, but... AWESOME TILES!

I hear you love:

So I gave you one. Use it very wisely, because you only get one chance.


Demo Data


haha I'm somewhere in between. It was a pretty good map, but I agree some of the parts were a little off, and not in a way i can explain too well haha, I just found them a little awkward and not /super/ challenging or enjoyable (But still a little), Tiles and atmosphere were pretty cool though, 3.5v (just)
Demo Data


Good fun! I really enjoyed it. The aesthetics are awesome.
Demo Data
I realize it was meant to be an cave-like minejumper, but I still feel like it was unnecessarily cramped and that that the jumps felt a little forced (not really flowy enough). But it wasn't all bad. The tiles were good and the gauss pressure was nice. Solid 3.
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