The Missing Crew of U-62

Thumbnail of the map 'The Missing Crew of U-62'

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Author blue_tetris
Tags action author:blue_tetris puzzle runner thwump tricky unrated
Created 2012-06-09
Last Modified 2012-06-09
Map Data

Description ( Using drikam's tileset, Thwump Factory: )

SCOUT REPORT, E.F. Navy #102
t15:44 Jan5 2190

Unable to ascertain cause of catastrophic malfunction of passenger ship U62. On-board manifest is corrupted data; seems to be a willful act of an informed third party. The sound files, while intact, are clouded with junk data.
What we can make out are a few screams and a loud pulse pattern (5d,3j) at timestamp 4:24. What follows those screams can be described as general sense of calm. The breathing of the crew is relaxed and light conversation is heard among the ranks; conversation, while mostly audible, is not worth noting in this advisory. Audio cuts out at timestamp 4:41 with a single loud pulse (10d, 2j). Timestamp corresponds with timeline of reactor decay.
E.F.N.#102 advises avoidance of column 808(a) until further notice. The crew of our scouter is notably shaken; requesting dustoff.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Shiftless Loaf' Thumbnail of the map 'Master Orange's Weight Loss Regimen #2' Thumbnail of the map 'Layover' Thumbnail of the map 'Don't Tread In Me' Thumbnail of the map 'Shifting Lights' Thumbnail of the map 'Slings and Arrows'
Shiftless Loaf Master Orange's Weight Loss Regimen #2 Layover Don't Tread In Me Shifting Lights Slings and Arrows


Pages: (0)


I meant to post that on another map of yours



You could have added this at the end. No jump.


meant to say:

Very fun to work out. I didn't understand the point of the thwumps at all at first >.<


Neat puzzle!
Demo Data

Not the exact use of thwumps I thought of, but this is great. : )

Ahh, haha.

Nice run.

Every thwump

is an important ally. Make sure that you've used each one to help you, to solve the puzzle.
Let's call it a AGD-1. xD
Demo Data


Demo Data


Demo Data


or maybe I dont.. not fully. D:
Demo Data


I think I get it!


demo? D: I don't even.. D:

holy fuck its bt

Really great map.