naphthalene sea

Thumbnail of the map 'naphthalene sea'

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Author lsudny
Tags action author:lsudny unrated viil
Created 2012-06-02
Last Modified 2012-09-01
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description inspired by viil.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'darkestunderthelamp' Thumbnail of the map 'Tuned Hours' Thumbnail of the map 'overHz' Thumbnail of the map 'Relentless Dawn' Thumbnail of the map '31st Century Schizoid Man' Thumbnail of the map 'For your disappointment, this map doesn't have hexagons.'
darkestunderthelamp Tuned Hours overHz Relentless Dawn 31st Century Schizoid Man For your disappointment, this map doesn't have hexagons.


Pages: (0)

Lol. I actually

jumped without making the bb's move TWICE. D:
Demo Data


Why are you never on IRC? Cool map, though. :D

Left side was done really well. Would a laser have been more effective than a rocket?

So do I, actually.

Though I can't really be arsed to do anything with that. Too lazy. I'll try to do something for you, though.


Demo Data