Inner Space

Thumbnail of the map 'Inner Space'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author lsudny
Tags action author:lsudny unrated
Created 2012-05-13
Last Modified 2012-09-01
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Looks neat in thumbnail, I guess. I spent ~30 minutes on tiles and ~15 on objects. Enjoy...

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '.' Thumbnail of the map 'we gotta blow that bitch to ANOTHER DIMENSION' Thumbnail of the map 'doo bee doo' Thumbnail of the map 'the reverse architect' Thumbnail of the map '<GamingWolf> KHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN' Thumbnail of the map 'Recoiling'
. we gotta blow that bitch to ANOTHER DIMENSION doo bee doo the reverse architect <GamingWolf> KHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN Recoiling


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I'd love to collab with subdark, if it goes well I most certainly will join haha
Not anything definite to call him "active", but he does get on.


Give this to someone else when you're done with it!

It's Saturday then!

I had the tiles sortof ready, but I totally erased them by turning off my computer. That's how I roll B)


you want.
I will send you the tiles k?
tell me when you can

I am unassured

Unassured I am

I did

Did I
previously said, I liked the rocket part and the switches, it fels so much fun to grab, I didn't like the gold that much, the inner space was a bit confusing to navigate, but as well was fun to play around in. 4.5^
Demo Data
and I noticed that the haiku was done incorrectly.

Haikus are written 5-7-5 syllables. On your haiku, it was 5-6-5.
This horrible contextual error commands me to downrate all your maps for commiting a murderously horrible grammar crime.

lol jkjkjk

Damned bb...

One of those few maps where chainguns work.
Demo Data

good fun

i was killed by that rocket in the same way fotf was.
we can collab sometime. not right now, but i'll tell you when i have free time.


yeah I really liked this, smart gameplay, great tiles. Nice one.
Demo Data


that was totally unexpected! XD

fuck that haha

this is cool so far though
Demo Data

miales mi jakas mapke z minami zrobic D: