I. E. D.

Thumbnail of the map 'I. E. D.'

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Author erikcu
Tags action author:erikcu carpet unrated
Created 2012-05-06
Last Modified 2012-05-06
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Independent Explosive Devices... a whole floor of them.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Home with the Flu' Thumbnail of the map 'PUKE' Thumbnail of the map 'Deceptration' Thumbnail of the map 'Shitty Scape' Thumbnail of the map 'Preprogrammed Pallace of Perverted Delights' Thumbnail of the map 'Elephants Love Peanuts'
Home with the Flu PUKE Deceptration Shitty Scape Preprogrammed Pallace of Perverted Delights Elephants Love Peanuts


Pages: (0)

my imagined route

Demo Data

just asthetics...

I like the red carpet.


Demo Data


half of these mines at the bottom are unnecessary :P
Demo Data