Song and Lyrics

Thumbnail of the map 'Song and Lyrics'

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Author Lightning55
Tags action author:lightning55 playable unrated
Created 2011-11-06
Last Modified 2011-11-06
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Feel the rhythm?

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'One Last Chance' Thumbnail of the map 'Furniture Storm' Thumbnail of the map 'Charlie and Life' Thumbnail of the map 'Mountain of Waves' Thumbnail of the map 'Entangling Groves' Thumbnail of the map 'Room and Board'
One Last Chance Furniture Storm Charlie and Life Mountain of Waves Entangling Groves Room and Board


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yes, yes i did
Demo Data
It was good in the long run, but getting out of the beginning part and getting a good flow was difficult, and the 3 and 2 tiles weren't all that well placed either. All in all, 3.
Demo Data


Demo Data


Can be much faster.
Demo Data

Maybe i should put a few more enemies?

I feel the rhythm.

I just can't carry a tune.