6/11 Eleven Storms

Thumbnail of the map '6/11 Eleven Storms'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author WordBlamCreator
Tags 11set adg author:wordblamcreator minejumper speedrun unrated wbc
Created 2011-08-13
Last Modified 2011-08-13
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description The sixth installment of this little series, feel free to use the tileset just leave a link to your map here.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Castlevania 4: Epilouge' Thumbnail of the map '5/11 Eleven Storms' Thumbnail of the map 'Castlevania 5: Prologue' Thumbnail of the map 'Castlevania 5 Level 1: Reawakening' Thumbnail of the map 'Castlevania 5 Level 2: Through Fire & Flames' Thumbnail of the map 'Castlevania 5 Level 3: Display of Power'
Castlevania 4: Epilouge 5/11 Eleven Storms Castlevania 5: Prologue Castlevania 5 Level 1: Reawakening Castlevania 5 Level 2: Through Fire & Flames Castlevania 5 Level 3: Display of Power


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Fun map :D
Demo Data


Better late than never.
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Demo Data
But I must admit, a teleporter race would be EPIC.

Cautious AGD.
Demo Data
Edited some tiles, hope you don't mind.