fractal frΩmage.
Other maps by this author
Woah people are so tempermental, I see no wrongs in simply generic maps. As long as they are fun or the user who is submitting said map finds it worthy to submit. If either of these points are met then the map is a worthy submission and thusly any previous points of blind criticism is there-by disqualified. Fun map, keep doing what you're doing!
Late to the party.
Radium, you have done nothing for the art of mapping, so you don't get to speak here. Your inspiration comes from what is before you. You're making the same maps barabajagal and Sendy were making, just less interesting because they are less original. Your style is the combination of a bunch of different styles. Your skills are developed from playing other people's maps. You're "encouraging" lsudny? You're bringing him down by labeling his map the same that I labeled your maps in '08 and '09. You can't defend yourself because you didn't offer any type of support. While your later comments say that you support lsudny making better maps, you haven't offered a single piece of advice as to how he could do that on this entire page. Until you start offering constructive criticism on this map you do not get to pretend like you actually care about his map-making abilities.
While mahi_mahi has a good point about calling maps generic, length of time here does not mean you know how to make a good map, nor does it mean you do not. Circle was here for a very short time, as was ultCult, and they were both amazing authors.
Stop calling maps generic and start offering constructive criticism. Otherwise your arguments are just stupid and have nothing to back them up except very thinly veiled arguments about "longevity" and "experience."
While mahi_mahi has a good point about calling maps generic, length of time here does not mean you know how to make a good map, nor does it mean you do not. Circle was here for a very short time, as was ultCult, and they were both amazing authors.
Stop calling maps generic and start offering constructive criticism. Otherwise your arguments are just stupid and have nothing to back them up except very thinly veiled arguments about "longevity" and "experience."
I agree that it's generic
But that doesn't stop it being fun, does it? Most generic maps are boring, whilst this one is very enjoyable.
Branching out stylistically is good advice though, if poorly written. I try to give each of my maps a different 'feel', and by doing that I for the most part avoid being generic. Maybe it's something you should consider.
Once again, great map suds ^^
Branching out stylistically is good advice though, if poorly written. I try to give each of my maps a different 'feel', and by doing that I for the most part avoid being generic. Maybe it's something you should consider.
Once again, great map suds ^^
for the record
I was here
Guys, 300 maps.
This is time to celebrate. This is time to congratulate. This is not time to Okay, that doesn't work, let me try again.
a map gets attention simply because someone didn't like it. I think that's so strange.
Lol lsudny
is in for a surprise when he logs in xD
Hey lsudny
You're so sexy now <3
Why do you guys forse me to do this!

Holy crap people
Chill! It's just a freaking map, generic or not.
you're misinterpreting the crux of mahi's argument. he is pointing out that lsudny has not been here long enough or made any monumental achievement in mapping to make any sort of noticeable influence on style. mahi's examples illustrate the deep level of imitation and lack of creativity in lsudny's archive. it isn't about "who's been here longer," it's about, "who's done more for the art of mapping"
to be very blunt, lsudny is a copycat mapper. i used to be the same way. i would look at the latest blackson map and imitate. it took me years to develop a style which is recognizable as my own. mahi and i simply wish for lsudny to branch out and try to develop maps that aren't simply "trendy."
mahi and i have every right to call this map generic, which it is. the gameplay essentially boils down to a gauss tunnel.. which, if left alone, creates a horrifically washed out, dull map.
an example of stellar game-play, original and dynamic, is present in your map here [].
i encourage lsudny to create maps of this quality. that's all i'm trying to do here.
to be very blunt, lsudny is a copycat mapper. i used to be the same way. i would look at the latest blackson map and imitate. it took me years to develop a style which is recognizable as my own. mahi and i simply wish for lsudny to branch out and try to develop maps that aren't simply "trendy."
mahi and i have every right to call this map generic, which it is. the gameplay essentially boils down to a gauss tunnel.. which, if left alone, creates a horrifically washed out, dull map.
an example of stellar game-play, original and dynamic, is present in your map here [].
i encourage lsudny to create maps of this quality. that's all i'm trying to do here.
... Well I liked the map anyway.
Fond of the launchpads, not so fond of the rocket (I never find rockets fun when the tiles are craggy).
Sunset your comments are good and you should feel good
Sunset your comments are good and you should feel good
woah dude jesus
big text. But if I read it correctly (which I'm pretty sure I did), it boils down to: lsudny isn't allowed to say bad things about radium (although he can do it to lsudny) because he (lsudny) joined the site later than (radium) did. Do I need to tell you that this is fucking stupid?
Moreover, pretty much every author re-uses certain tile shapes, or object combinations. I'm pretty sure I do it. Atob does it. Yahoozy does it. Radium and you definitely do it (or did it, at any rate). So what if lsudny does it too?
I don't care if you (and radium) think this map is generic; that's your own opinion, and you're entitled to it. But saying he's not allowed to call your maps generic in return, especially when you justify it by saying it's because he's "newer" is simply moronic.
PS. lsudny's mapping style clearly bears much more resemblance to nevershine's maps than radium's in any case.
Moreover, pretty much every author re-uses certain tile shapes, or object combinations. I'm pretty sure I do it. Atob does it. Yahoozy does it. Radium and you definitely do it (or did it, at any rate). So what if lsudny does it too?
I don't care if you (and radium) think this map is generic; that's your own opinion, and you're entitled to it. But saying he's not allowed to call your maps generic in return, especially when you justify it by saying it's because he's "newer" is simply moronic.
PS. lsudny's mapping style clearly bears much more resemblance to nevershine's maps than radium's in any case.
u guiz
My argument: The thumbnail doesn't render
Just like all the other maps I try to view with this computer. Congratulations on 300.
hmm i wasnt confromtational enough
@lsundy: you make no sense. to say "map making is generic." is just a lame attempt to try to invalidate what radium said, and it sucked. mapmaking is essentially an art, and every one of us to some degree will conform to a base standard that has been present on NUMA probably since '05. that being said, many authors do this in a very unique way (radium i think being one of these authors) which sets them off from the norm. you however have not reached that point at all, in my opinion. indeed i've seen this jagged, seemingly copy-paste tile style over and over and over; not just in the NUMA archive, but recurring many times in yours as well. examples: [] [] [] [] []
as well as repetitive object placement: [] [] [] []
now normally i wouldn't put in the energy to even put examples. but the way you bastardized radium's 'recycled garden' is just unacceptable in my eyes. now you might say "woah radium did the same thing to my map though". well, perhaps; but here's the thing. both radium and I have been mapping for much longer than you have. and it really makes my blood boil when newer members such as you try to blatantly downgrade a map like that. believe it or not there ARE standards for which we all make our maps by. some of us invent our own styles, while others like you are content on being a copycat. there's no problem with either one, but i think its hypocritical to insult radium's style, in your case. [] [] [] [] []
as well as repetitive object placement: [] [] [] []
now normally i wouldn't put in the energy to even put examples. but the way you bastardized radium's 'recycled garden' is just unacceptable in my eyes. now you might say "woah radium did the same thing to my map though". well, perhaps; but here's the thing. both radium and I have been mapping for much longer than you have. and it really makes my blood boil when newer members such as you try to blatantly downgrade a map like that. believe it or not there ARE standards for which we all make our maps by. some of us invent our own styles, while others like you are content on being a copycat. there's no problem with either one, but i think its hypocritical to insult radium's style, in your case.
my point is
this is a recycled look, nothing about this map STANDS out. no tile shape, no mechanic..
this is a gauss tunnel with craggy tiles. WOO AMAZING. no.
this is a gauss tunnel with craggy tiles. WOO AMAZING. no.
Actual agd
Yeah, I like the flow here. The innermost gauss doesn't do much, though.
Three things:
1) Criticising Radium for making generic maps is a 'tu quoque' argument; in short, even if it's true, it's a logically flawed argument for proving that this map isn't.
2) Being able to describe the map as "x + x" doesn't make it unoriginal. Every map can be boiled down to this, and not every map is devoid of originality.
3) There aren't any gimmicks in this map, as far as I could tell, other than maybe those launchpads, but that's a stretch to say the least.
Three things:
1) Criticising Radium for making generic maps is a 'tu quoque' argument; in short, even if it's true, it's a logically flawed argument for proving that this map isn't.
2) Being able to describe the map as "x + x" doesn't make it unoriginal. Every map can be boiled down to this, and not every map is devoid of originality.
3) There aren't any gimmicks in this map, as far as I could tell, other than maybe those launchpads, but that's a stretch to say the least.
Demo Data |
oh no son...
my maps from 2-3 years ago are waaaaaaay different than how i map now. you are sorely mistaken.
300th congratz! 5/5
my argument: because I want!
Guess what argument is

Happy 300 man!
oh yeah... I forgot this thing
Demo Data |
you already know what I would say so I'm not gona say it... but I am thinking it!
Congrats on 300
...If it only happened to me...
Oh, and happy 300, of course.
Sunset's new thing is that Carlton image.
It's like his trademark now.
i thought it was kinda generic too
first off, genericy is not a word
second off, i am happy to say in my most recent map pack i have escaped my tendency to be generic. my most recent maps on NUMA are /not/ how i map, as they are very old. those days are over. i can honestly say i've crafted my own signature style.
third off, i find lsudny to make some of the most unorginal maps ever. jagged tiles, lots of gimmicks, etc. i used to do the same thing.
third off, i find lsudny to make some of the most unorginal maps ever. jagged tiles, lots of gimmicks, etc. i used to do the same thing.