Wifowt Reyem Oar Reezon

Thumbnail of the map 'Wifowt Reyem Oar Reezon'

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Author erikcu
Tags action author:erikcu easy fun gold unrated
Created 2011-07-26
Last Modified 2011-07-26
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Hickory Dickory Dock,
Darn look at the clock,
The Ninja is done,
You have won,
Time to go for a walk.

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Demo Data


of a bounce pads bounciness. Then you have to find where you would end up and slow the ninja down with another bounce pad.

Usually I place the bounce pad, then hit my home-key and the \ key to get the map data box. Since I just placed the bounce pad, it is the very last set of numbers in that box.


that last number "-1" is the bounciness
If you change -1 to something like -2 it will bounce harder
If you change it to -19 you will fly into the wall at deathly speed, unless you have another bounce block at the exact spot where the ninja is projected.

The trick to find that spot, is to play the level with the caps lock off, click your mouse to advance the frames while your move your ninja to that block, and see where the ninja "teleports" to.

I hope that helps.

How do you

make the ninja guy teleport?!?!?!


easy open stuff
Demo Data