the best account

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Author flagmysouthpaw
Tags author:flagmysouthpaw collab flag rated southpaw
Created 2011-07-18
Last Modified 2011-07-18
by 7 people.
Map Data

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flag and southpaw

had a child 0.o

yeah i noticed that. considering we didn't playtest the gauss section came out pretty well.


great reply.

Also, pity about the drone timing. I don't think you had intended for this to happen.
Demo Data

i can delete your opinion

This is kinda dumb, it feels like admins are meant to be the top guys, not kids making random accounts and just being childish...but that's just my opinion...

haha we got sniped because we are admins

that is the worst idea

Sexy sexy sexy sexy comment


been a while since I've seen this account out. :)