accidental beauty

Thumbnail of the map 'accidental beauty'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author ultimatereading
Tags author:ultimatereading gold mines rated sketchy ultimatereading
Created 2011-05-20
Last Modified 2011-05-20
by 10 people.
Map Data

Description My best map for a long while.

Thanks to Jeremoon for a good playtest.

Laser is frustrating but gives the map a good challenge.

have fun.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'dum de dum' Thumbnail of the map 'callaway master' Thumbnail of the map 'sparky' Thumbnail of the map 'policed' Thumbnail of the map 'Thats it. Its over' Thumbnail of the map 'a gift'
dum de dum callaway master sparky policed Thats it. Its over a gift


Pages: (0)

i think we should collab sometime. but not today, i'm doing a collab with thereisaspoon now :D

GSCE year?

Sorry, I'm unfamiliar with the term.
Well, off to bed. See ya round!

I'm fine.

I'm up for a three-way collab, are you on the forums?
but i am fine and thanks and wazzap dawg.
just started reviewing in August. I'm getting more of a feel for it.

In real life, I've started working night shift, so that sucks, but I am going to be moving into an apartment. All my stuff is actually in, but they have to do some repairs because it was in bad shape.

So I'll be on my very own soon, and I can't wait.

What's up with you? Making a mappack? You are quite possibly one of the best authors NUMA has seen, and we'd all love to see you cranking out maps, helping us make 10,000 by January.


I liked the drones :D

Demo Data


I can't make or RCE maps as often as i used to.

I didn't leave, but i can't say that i'm definitely here too ^^
Demo Data
What's up?

Oh dear!

It should be on there!

Hey man!

Long time no see! Glad to see you're still around. :D

The normal doors make it more easy
but I canĀ“t beat it :D
hmm... pretty anoying gold to be honest... specially to do an AGD...
as for a speed-run, I loved it :D
very good job, except for the gold
Demo Data