We Run

Thumbnail of the map 'We Run'

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Author Epic4ever
Tags author:epic4ever race unrated
Created 2011-05-11
Last Modified 2011-05-11
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description My first race, its not that much but i still like it..

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Big Bang' Thumbnail of the map 'The Empire Strikes Back' Thumbnail of the map 'Little but sweet' Thumbnail of the map 'Another One' Thumbnail of the map 'Flow Like Water' Thumbnail of the map 'Electric Highway'
Big Bang The Empire Strikes Back Little but sweet Another One Flow Like Water Electric Highway


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Some of the enemies felt a little useless. The map grew on me though.
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He :D
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You can have a style, just don't overdo it.

So u mean making one bad everyone is bad?
It is that your maps will feel and play the same. If you do find a style, have it fluctuate between different variations so that above doesn't happen.

Ye sorry for being a douche and not taking your advices in a cool sense.. I just actually wanted to test making like dda, kradda, race, action and normal maps..


If you want to make good maps, look up the maps made by good mappers. If not, then I'll ignore your maps, but I really want to help you to improve in mapping. If so, just say.
and you don't have to hide the enemies like that... it's just somewhat anoying.
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It's a really good question...
As a beginner you first need to make some allround okay/good maps.
Then, you can start experimenting on developing your own uniqe style.
Try playing some races from for example Im_bad_at_N, _Destiny^-, b3njamin, riobe and my self ;)
the key to a good race is first of all flow. don't make it stop or have bumps. second is the close calls, and thierd is the aesthetics. these are three main ingredients in a good race ;)

Why do you always say those words "always look up for other peopleĀ“s ...."? and why cant i have my own style?
and you'll be a good race maker :) But remember, always look up for other people's races to see how they're constructed.