
Thumbnail of the map 'TamNgochi'

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Author Gioum
Tags author:gioum gioum mappack simple unrated
Created 2011-05-01
Last Modified 2011-05-01
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data


My first mappack, based on a really, MASSIVELY HUGE simple idea, so don't go dipshit about it.
The map challenge is for both you and me. I have to create you a map of a truly limited size, but yet difficult and fun, and you need to complete it in either 2 ways, getting all the gold or get to the exit, explore multiple places and have a fight with your monitor, and if you're even friendlier, ragequit :3

Other maps by this author

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AUNT Military Totem Acid Rain Paralelo Prix Blast Furnace


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