76-0 Hells Gate

Thumbnail of the map '76-0 Hells Gate'

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Author Jeremoon
Tags action author:jeremoon highscore oldschool serie unrated
Created 2011-04-23
Last Modified 2011-04-23
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description very oldschool

Other maps by this author

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That´s normal 75-0 Optical Illusion 75-1 Gagaria 75-2 ._. 75-3 Game crashed 75-4 Chaos room


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I played this map yesterday, and I forgot to comment / rate ... 5


The enemies were awesome*

I like oldschool.

The enemies were and all gold was a neat challenge. The difficulty drastically increased as soon as I hit the rocket room just a bit too much, and the corridors were unnecesarily long. Still a great map though. 3.5 up.