Comments on ". : Ded To NUMA - Userbars : ."

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the link for pic,r:16,s:0&tx=96&ty=76

i would like

more than one but just one for now. I would like a picture of selena gomez which i will send shortly with a red frame.


mine almost done or wat? (dont mean that in a pushy way)

Can i get a userbar

with a simple challenge - esque to it. thx man


much appreciated :P yu will have to show me how to use them :L


selena gomez <3 red frame please


okey well one with a girl sounds good :L


wat are the choices howa bout red and blu?


i have a userbar please

1st. Sunset (in gold/yellow text)

2nd. TheNCreator (in silver/grey text)

3rd. mystro23 (in bronze/brown text)

These ones will have pictures of somewhere on the map. The links to the map is at the bottom of this page.

Then for the others who participated, you put (all in black text)

4th. Tommy_Wiseau

5th. zoasBE

6th. Jeremoon

7th. Njitsu
Poorly formed sentences. It's what I do.

What I meant to say was...
Can I have a NachoCheese userbar with a witty comment? Trippy effects, multicolours, your call. Please. :)

wrong flag

but I like it none the less!

serbians** ;_;

also hi furreh :D

i am a latina & asian kinda guy




hahahah uh make it say... 'Serbians<3'
i gonna send you a tileset today a bit..well lets call it exhausted xD ...

no, i want sex



Imma rate this a 5. :D


A NachoCheese userbar. With some witty comment. Trippy as. Multicolours are awesome. Please. :)

Oh noes! We're being pushed to page 2! Will anyone see the map? ;-;

Thanks man

love them both xD
Also look at your total rating
with my name on the right. I could care less whats in the background. You decide lol

How about

"Why not its Free Gods_Reaper"

karma :3
and thank youu very much for the userbar<3

yeah I'm on moa every now and then, but numa needs furry :(

dont give furry ant anything until we get a new map!!
also thanks for the comments :}

ooooh can i have one? something foresty that says skybearrr on it? :3

thanks!! I feel special now :}

haha :D

lol, thanks! I'll probably be back for more :)

make one that says:

I pwned map 9050
and make it linkable to map 9050
and have map 9050 as it's background :D

Loved the "fuck userbars" one. It's on my profile now.
That the background needs to look like, the color of the text.. yeah

Also: Rate this map PUHLEASE. :D

surprise me

Wow - 3 rates

Just if I didn't make this clear - You can tell me what it says as well