Round Rooms

Thumbnail of the map 'Round Rooms'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author deep_blue
Tags author:deep_blue medium rated rooms
Created 2011-04-16
Last Modified 2011-04-16
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description enjoy, I hope i made a roomish map good enuf

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Square Cookie' Thumbnail of the map '4tress' Thumbnail of the map 'Edge' Thumbnail of the map 'First in Space' Thumbnail of the map 'Brownies' Thumbnail of the map 'Rectangular UFO'
Square Cookie 4tress Edge First in Space Brownies Rectangular UFO


Pages: (0)

long demo but I had a great fun...
Demo Data


Your tileset is just incredible and making the objects now and will show you the result tomorow.

I love the kind of tiles you were making before, with weird shapes, smiley, symbol, abstract pattern, and all those funny stuff. Something devised in a quite open part and some more closed parts.
But make what you want, I'm sure I will be happy :)
You can send me the text files with this: []
Copy your text in it, press publish and send me the link ;)


TheBlackLion, i'm ready :D just tell me what kind should i make and where should i put it for ya?


Do you remember I ask you if we can make a collab?
I was so busy that I totally forgot, but if you're still OK you can make me beautiful crazy deep_blue-ish tiles and I will place the objects? :)
Demo Data


This was really good. The gauss/mine/trap combo worked a lot better then i thought it would. It didn't feel repetitive because you mixed up the object placement. Good job. Almost a 5.

typical deep_blue map. Great tiles but avarange objekt placement :)