74-1 Manual elevator
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no no, you misunderstand
the traps are in the right place, but the oneways which the traps are on, are not.
Very good concept
But i don't like the difficult to get the gold (too difficult for me xD i'm a newbbie). 4
okay, the problem with this
is that you have made it necessary to avoid each of the bottom ones, the easy one top middle, and the top one on the gold, for all gold. Why restrict it to one option?
The oneways are too narrow, and you are forced to get every trapdoor in the middle section, because there is no other way. Space them out a bit, so that it is possible to climb up without getting any trapdoors, it would introduce more paths to take than just the one you intended. If not that, then at least make the three climbs essentially different. Why are they all exactly the same, until the top trapdoor?
Also, aesthetics. A giant slope? Really? Is there nothing better you could have put there than a giant slope? What would have been best is to centre the middle climb on the map, so that you wouldn't have to have a giant mine wall.
Actually, what would have been best is if the climbs touched each other, or crossed over. They don't need to be separate and vertical, that just lacks imagination. Force the player to create their own path up.
The oneways are too narrow, and you are forced to get every trapdoor in the middle section, because there is no other way. Space them out a bit, so that it is possible to climb up without getting any trapdoors, it would introduce more paths to take than just the one you intended. If not that, then at least make the three climbs essentially different. Why are they all exactly the same, until the top trapdoor?
Also, aesthetics. A giant slope? Really? Is there nothing better you could have put there than a giant slope? What would have been best is to centre the middle climb on the map, so that you wouldn't have to have a giant mine wall.
Actually, what would have been best is if the climbs touched each other, or crossed over. They don't need to be separate and vertical, that just lacks imagination. Force the player to create their own path up.
thats amazing
id feature this shit when i was able to xD