68-2 Pipe

Thumbnail of the map '68-2 Pipe'

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Author Jeremoon
Tags author:jeremoon highscore serie unrated
Created 2011-03-10
Last Modified 2011-03-10
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description 410th

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '67-1 Shit' Thumbnail of the map '67-2 Cybercity' Thumbnail of the map '67-3 Oh god, I´m so Jeremonish >:D' Thumbnail of the map '67-4 Janny´s little toolbox' Thumbnail of the map '68-0 Solar Platform' Thumbnail of the map '68-1 Crystal Triangles'
67-1 Shit 67-2 Cybercity 67-3 Oh god, I´m so Jeremonish >:D 67-4 Janny´s little toolbox 68-0 Solar Platform 68-1 Crystal Triangles


Pages: (0)

Still pretty nice and well-thought-out. 3.5^


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a little faster
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could be faster by a bit
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and faster, possibly maxed, not sure :/
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agree with stheoceasblue, but it's still a nice map
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As for the map, agreed with atob. 3.

slow agd
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but it feels like the idea could have been refined a little more to make this a really fantastic little episodic map.

As with a lot of your work, I find you have cool concepts and foundations but don't fully realise them.

I do like your maps though.
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