Drones and Co.

Thumbnail of the map 'Drones and Co.'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Pagoda
Tags 9th author:pagoda pagoda rated
Created 2011-03-01
Last Modified 2011-03-01
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description guns too

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'adogaP' Thumbnail of the map 'Spirit' Thumbnail of the map 'Hills' Thumbnail of the map 'Castle and a Flag' Thumbnail of the map 'Mine is Mine' Thumbnail of the map 'Jump'
adogaP Spirit Hills Castle and a Flag Mine is Mine Jump


Pages: (0)


I had no idea any

one was good enough to do that... :) thats awesome!

my mistake

here's a better way, shown to me by krusch
Demo Data


did you see this?
Demo Data
this a zero and not tell me why?

Yeah i was

worried about it feeling a little cluttered. ;) and that bottom right section was suppose to be a challenge. Thanks for playing!


God damn but doing that bottom right section took a lot of tries. 3.5^, as you've used too many enemies overall i think.
Demo Data