Electric Constellation

Thumbnail of the map 'Electric Constellation'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author TheNCreator
Tags 10mm action author:thencreator rated tnc
Created 2011-02-22
Last Modified 2011-03-10
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description 10 minutes...

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Illumination 2.0' Thumbnail of the map 'Cogitation' Thumbnail of the map 'Fiesta' Thumbnail of the map 'Portentous' Thumbnail of the map 'Sorry about Your Chandelier' Thumbnail of the map 'Target Practice'
Illumination 2.0 Cogitation Fiesta Portentous Sorry about Your Chandelier Target Practice


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Damn Fraxtil

thats fast

pulled the sub-300 AGD off with another route. And so ends my demo spam.
Demo Data

if somebody can pull this AGD off properly and get a sub-300-frame completion, i will return from my hiatus.
Demo Data

AGD. i may improve on this shortly.
Demo Data

speed demo
Demo Data
and then going for a chaingun theme. Maybe all the way up the middle....

I love the 10mm !!!
5/5 for the two
I got all the gold but it took me awhile. It was tricky because it got harder if you got the switch too soon.
Demo Data


I like these type of maps. 4/5
Demo Data

I was bored

so I made another one. same deal. fastest agd=ded