Bend the bracket

Thumbnail of the map 'Bend the bracket'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author samuraichamploo
Tags author:samuraichamploo playable race rated
Created 2005-12-10
by 10 people.
Map Data

Description another chevelle title. this is my dedication map to Krumpeet for having the fastest demo for my survival map "offset". i really like this map. please comment, rate and enjoi!

other chevelle maps:

The red:

The clincher: (this is #22 on top rated maps)

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Death DDA' Thumbnail of the map 'behind me lies another fallen soldier' Thumbnail of the map 'The Red' Thumbnail of the map 'offset' Thumbnail of the map 'The clincher' Thumbnail of the map 'thwumps'
Death DDA behind me lies another fallen soldier The Red offset The clincher thwumps


Pages: (0)


sorry sheridan
hundred eight frames faster
Demo Data


Thank-you very much samuraichamploo. It will we very helpful, I always wondered how people did that.

Door purpolsion...

ok, here we go...

1) when in ned press "c" and it will snap your coursor to 1/4 instead of 1/2. then place the door where you want. then place the switch 3 quarters of the square over to he side you want it to throw you.


D= door
S= switch
'= 1/4 snaps each
= end of square

Door purpolsion...

ok, here we go...

1) when in ned press "c" and it will snap your coursor to 1/4 instead of 1/2. then place the door where you want. then place the switch 3 quarters of the square over to he side you want it to throw you.


D= door
S= switch
'= 1/4 snaps each
= end of square


Samurai Champloo-that is very good(5/5). I have a question, how do you use trap doors to propel you forward?


but not that great. It's a little boring without many enemies.


but not that great. It's a little boring without many enemies.


Note to Self: Never touch buttons while standing on a race level. 4.5/5


its good to have such a great map dedicated to me.


for the great feed back


Cool! 5/5
Demo Data

Well done

That is very good, probably my favourite map. 5/5.

pretty good

that was pretty good, classic race lvl. 4/5