Gratuitous Scale

Thumbnail of the map 'Gratuitous Scale'

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Author maximo
Tags action author:maximo easy playable puzzle rated thwump
Created 2011-02-02
Last Modified 2011-02-02
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description Thanks lucidium for the thwump mechanic to get the exit switch...

A little simple challenge-ish, but in the right pack wouldn't be a bad episode spacer.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '00-3 Just Trust Me (It's There)' Thumbnail of the map 'Cobbled Stones' Thumbnail of the map '00-4 Skagain and Skagain (and Skagain)' Thumbnail of the map 'Set Upon' Thumbnail of the map 'Shardrazad' Thumbnail of the map 'Block Fiesta'
00-3 Just Trust Me (It's There) Cobbled Stones 00-4 Skagain and Skagain (and Skagain) Set Upon Shardrazad Block Fiesta


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basic but cool

lol today just isnt my day with you karma :P

1 frame LOL! great map :]
Demo Data


pretty solid run, but im sure someone will come along and beat it.

enjoyed the map, nicely set up.
Demo Data


Demo Data


Demo Data
But this one is very well made.


Not particuarly fast or anything, but a nice benchmark. The trick is to only pull the thwumps when you need them.

Spice: fastest agd at the end of today will get a ded
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