Plasma Drone

Thumbnail of the map 'Plasma Drone'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Jeremoon
Tags author:jeremoon fun laser n-reality unrated
Created 2011-01-26
Last Modified 2011-01-26
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description N-REALITY NEED

I think the Idea is great
1. Room:
Room of Beginners
2. Room:
Room of Red exploding things
3. Room:
Room of my friend
4. Room:
Room of Seeker
5. Room:
Room of Lianas and Tarzan
6. Room:

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '57-4 Skeleton view' Thumbnail of the map '58-0 Thwump way' Thumbnail of the map '58-1 Holy Madness' Thumbnail of the map '58-2 Rocky Mines' Thumbnail of the map '58-3 Irish Cocktail' Thumbnail of the map '58-4 Jimba'
57-4 Skeleton view 58-0 Thwump way 58-1 Holy Madness 58-2 Rocky Mines 58-3 Irish Cocktail 58-4 Jimba


Pages: (0)

wrong map again ._.


stylish map somehow :?
Demo Data




Here's Germany!

"Das Lied der Deutschen" []

I tried my best for this one. Enjoy!



Too boring.

There's nothing going on and it gets frustrating after a while. The concept is good, just not executed well.



Frames of the year!
Demo Data


5amazing concept! 5ovely! 5lawless laser drone timing! 5!