02-2: The Silent Fight

Thumbnail of the map '02-2: The Silent Fight'

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Author mystro23
Tags 23 author:mystro23 mystro sunset unrated
Created 2011-01-15
Last Modified 2011-01-15
Map Data

Description Fuck snipers
Done Sunset

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '01-2: Honey Bee' Thumbnail of the map '01-3: The Clap' Thumbnail of the map 'A Life Worth Living' Thumbnail of the map '01-4: Outrage' Thumbnail of the map '02-0: Break in intelligence' Thumbnail of the map '02-1: Neat, clean, fun'
01-2: Honey Bee 01-3: The Clap A Life Worth Living 01-4: Outrage 02-0: Break in intelligence 02-1: Neat, clean, fun


Pages: (0)

do you know why they snipe you?

agreed with mahi

considering the enemies.

/Thank you/.

Now, people won't bitch as much.
i don't like this annoying, 5-tile tileset. there's 0% atmosphere and it looks bad too. also i wish your enemies were more powerful. i hate being in close combat with an enemy for 2 seconds and then never seeing it in the map again.