bullet dodge

Thumbnail of the map 'bullet dodge'

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Author thealien123
Tags action author:thealien123 chainguns featured fun hard playable rated
Created 2010-12-19
Last Modified 2010-12-19
by 11 people.
Map Data

Description the chaingun drones are not afraid to attack from long distances...

This map was featured on 2012-07-20

You've somehow managed to infiltrate through enemy lines. Being the madman you are, you begin to run from the gauss' line of sight, as well as the chaingun's path. You head down and move towards the switch room, slowly but surely, whilst snagging the gold along the way to save your time... Let's hope this was worth the trip and the trouble. — Sunset

Other maps by this author

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escape spaceball rays trickster dead city cellular


Pages: (0)

Demo Data
+1 for using the correct plural of gauss.



Nah but seriously, cool map. This is my type of map here, and it's done well too. Faved.
I liked how you had to be so careful with timings and with what cover you used, or else some far off enemy would suddenly shoot you. It made the map very strategic. That said, there was some gold that I simply didn't enjoy collecting.

this is pretty fun.

5 and saved.