Second Contact - Moon

Thumbnail of the map 'Second Contact - Moon'

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Author TheBlackLion
Tags author:theblacklion monolith odyssey rated rn3 space ticktock
Created 2010-12-18
Last Modified 2010-12-18
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description Next and second level of my "A space odyssey" mini-series. Go to the Moonbase and after have a look at the underground monolith...
I made it for Ticktock, took 4.45 min for the tileset and 5 min for the object and whithout playstesting. This is better than I was hoping for a 10 min map. Normaly I take minimum 30 min for a map like that.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Three Hard Ways To Up And Down' Thumbnail of the map 'First Contact - Earth' Thumbnail of the map 'Dazzled' Thumbnail of the map 'The Weekly Challenge' Thumbnail of the map 'Animus Vox' Thumbnail of the map 'Drove Through Ghosts'
Three Hard Ways To Up And Down First Contact - Earth Dazzled The Weekly Challenge Animus Vox Drove Through Ghosts


Pages: (0)

ask for twc7

I doesn´t understand the tiles rules
My parents grounded me and my idiot brother, so I can't get on the computer. The only reason I'm even on now is because I had to write an essay and /my/ computer didn't have Microsoft Word. D: Sorry for the inconvenience! :c

Hey, where are you?

Please contact me on the forums!


Yeah man, sure.

After school I'll try. I'm at schol now. :O
but since I can only access the internet from my iphone right now (because my WLAN is apparently broken) I can't, sorry. :I

I don't know.

Can I use rotational symmetry, too?

Also, when is the deadline of round 6?

Nah man,

da_guru and I agreed on IRC that I would make the ded map. Sorry. :x

I would like too,

but I find this round difficult.
Great. You gotta see the submitted maps for rounds 3+4, there are some very cool ones among them. Sunset and me also made two ded maps. I just published round 5 theme. You will be available to judge or make a ded for round 4, won't you?

yeah sure

I'll be here for 2 weeks.

hmmm yeah sure.

just give me the template, and tell me the style of the ded map.

a little faster :/
Demo Data

drone up top could be placed better, had to do an annoying reverse jump on the 1 tile, but other than that, nice
Demo Data


Fastest AGD :P

I liked this too.
Demo Data
presents a challenge, I like it.


Demo Data