
Thumbnail of the map 'Anti-Klause'

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Author Sunset
Tags action anti author:sunset klause unrated
Created 2010-12-09
Last Modified 2010-12-09
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description spectacle among men,
he lept from his dear window and
from a midst it seemed as if he
of all the men
were a god in his order!
yet he was mortal
but do not be fearful!
his dear feet touched the limestone bricks
in midst time before the assasin's!
thus ended assasin Klause's reign
and the villagemen were saved
once more

Other maps by this author

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The Direct Unknown; The Complete Unkown I'm a boy, I'm a boy, but my Ma won't admit it The Sunhorse Kid Momma loves her baby I wanna be the very best that no one ever was Nomerate


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But i got sniped, would you mind offsetting that so my thumbnail has a chance to load before i get pushed off the page?
