Thumbnail of the map 'KRADDA'

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Author Geej15
Tags author:geej15 dda kradda rated
Created 2010-12-06
Last Modified 2010-12-06
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description No one challenged me to make a KRADDA that only uses half the map... it just happened that way.

I took the advice from my last KRADDA and slowed down the ninja a ton. Now he stays nearer the rocket the entire time and has many mroe close calls. The rocket also has a ton of really cool close calls if you watch closely.

Why'd i make him a snowball? Its almost fucking christmas thats why.

Not for numacon although i had originally intended it to be.


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Ruins of the Parthenon' Thumbnail of the map 'Im sick :(' Thumbnail of the map 'Choose your own adventure' Thumbnail of the map 'fireworks' Thumbnail of the map 'Archive' Thumbnail of the map 'Carbonic Snow'
Ruins of the Parthenon Im sick :( Choose your own adventure fireworks Archive Carbonic Snow


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Eh Pig2

i kinda agree. the merry christmas part was a last minute adition right before i subbed it and i shoulda made it look alot better.

and eriku im making something else for my numacon entry although i might still use this
tags, and you would be in the competition I think.
The snowball is a nice touch, but it also takes away some of the peril in my mind. I think, why is a heat seeking rocket following a snowball anyway, and so what if it makes contact. At worst we have a puddle.


I like the snowball

otherwise, this is kinda ugly. :\

me like

5/5. and agian fucking nice snowball


thanks guys :D glad you like the snowball

lol inspired ;D

This dda rocks :)


I am too.

sexy snowball


sexy snowball
