Return of the Olive II

Thumbnail of the map 'Return of the Olive II'

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Author Godless
Tags action author:godless olive playable unrated
Created 2010-12-01
Last Modified 2010-12-06
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description --

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Heh, fastest demo.

The one-ways/chain combo looks pretty cool, and the tiles aren't bad either. ;)

Life's been a roller coaster.. mostly downhill, but always to a certain point before it has to go back up a little, though never as high as it was originally.

I stunned myself with that metaphor ;-P
Demo Data

Agree with capnsazmo. 4

Excuse me.

Agd - 3.


I love the tiles.

Nice gameplay. I don't like getting the first set of gold though.

Demo Data

Faved for later.