Viral Spiral

Thumbnail of the map 'Viral Spiral'

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Author erikcu
Tags action author:erikcu fun gauss lasers rated rockets
Created 2010-11-29
Last Modified 2010-11-29
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description Spread the Love around.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Ned's Challenge' Thumbnail of the map 'BDSM' Thumbnail of the map 'Dancing on the Devil' Thumbnail of the map 'Chalice of Malice' Thumbnail of the map 'Monkey's Uncle' Thumbnail of the map 'Squarsh the Fly'
Ned's Challenge BDSM Dancing on the Devil Chalice of Malice Monkey's Uncle Squarsh the Fly


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sorry for it, but it's true, kinda flooded up with enemies, and that can be intimidating... and sometimes people won't actually feel like playing... altough I like the full-action feeling it had. 4

Spiral AGD...

yeah, those laser drones might be a bit much...or they should start a tad lower on the left, higher on the right for more time.
Demo Data


didn't realy like it
to many enemies.. :(


Funny to try different routes.

kind of silly,

but pretty fun
Demo Data