
Thumbnail of the map 'Solar'

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Author deep_blue
Tags author:deep_blue fun playable unrated
Created 2010-11-28
Last Modified 2010-11-28
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
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Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Modern Stalking / N-2WAT' Thumbnail of the map 'Terra Aeros' Thumbnail of the map 'DIY' Thumbnail of the map 'Pineapple' Thumbnail of the map 'Alpine Runner' Thumbnail of the map 'Rooftop Cafe'
Modern Stalking / N-2WAT Terra Aeros DIY Pineapple Alpine Runner Rooftop Cafe


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Not quantity, but quality. You must work more on your maps, especially on the gameplay. Your tilesets are nice, but the mechanics are repeated in every single map.


yeah you should, if you want my opinion. :P


i was like asking your opinion on my actions.

you can if you want

I don't dictate numa O_o

Oh yeah

may I please tomorrow post first map from my so-called series naNo? :3


so... u mean.. some kind of a remix of my maps? anyway, nice idea so exploit anything :D i haz no copyrights anyway

played pretty well

and was pretty fun

my demo blows so no sub for you

ah, well,

that's the amount I spend on my maps, so I see no problem there. but, it's the quality of the maps, not the quantity. it seems that all of your maps stay the same throughout every single play. I'd like to see some variety in your maps. I can make a tileset that replicates your style while also adjusting a new look to your maps for you if you'd like that? just a thought.
Well, about 10-30 mins, depending on idea of map. Just having too much ideas, so mapping fast. I hope it doesn't disturb you. Either way, I can post a map every 3 days if u want so.
I don't mean to offend or anything, but you map too often.