۞ or ▼▲

Thumbnail of the map '۞ or ▼▲'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author sayko
Tags author:sayko crap iknowthisoneislame iwantedtodrawpentagramatfirstbuticouldntdrawtheoutercircle n-art outerstarhasgot8cornersbutinneronehasgotjust6 unrated
Created 2010-11-14
Last Modified 2010-11-14
Map Data

Description My first and probably last n-art. See in Ned.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'It's just a perfect day' Thumbnail of the map 'Broken Borders' Thumbnail of the map 'Imprisoned in the Kingdom of Freedom' Thumbnail of the map 'Empty but not dull' Thumbnail of the map 'Desolation goes through' Thumbnail of the map 'kutukutupense'
It's just a perfect day Broken Borders Imprisoned in the Kingdom of Freedom Empty but not dull Desolation goes through kutukutupense


Pages: (0)


Don't know what else to say... ;)


Is your banner for AGDing Mama's An boy... anexorable anarexic xylophone -

LOL long tags XD

When I play it, I hear N dying XD

I saw the art. Cool to use the tirgger lines :)

jsut for first.
1) go to
2) server:
4) channal: #n-highscores

sayko: You should come on IRC.


Hope you like the 5 maps that are not mine. They are little jewels. Knew and wanted you to know them, too.
You knew them?
These will not be as easy to complete as mine.
and again, Thank you.

you're a machine!!!

(responses in each map)


I have noticed that these days has been watching me.
You said you like Minejumpers (it shows in your avatar...;) I want you to know I'm going to do more thinking about you. I will strive to be your height.
Anyway, I propose you something. And forgive me in advance the publicity.

I want to play some maps I made and I think almost nobody played:
Episode 00 - Maps for NUMACON Sensei []
I would like to see a demo of yourself in each of the 5 maps. And tell me what you think of each.

On the other hand, I saw that you beat "The Legend of the Mine Jumper"...CONGRATULATIONS!!!
I have prepared a detail to you.
You may already know the maps. Maybe not.
(I have not created, but they are for you, I have searched for you)

Mine Maze [] by kirbs
Tetra-Sync [] by Sendy
Anaphylactic Mephistophelean [] by Lightning55
Turbulence [] by Action_Agd
Hover Like a Pro [] by keninja

They are very good, difficult, and different in style.
I hope enjoy it.

Finally I have 5aved your first map.
Thanks, sayko.


time to go to bed...see'ya around.

Hey sayko

how YOU doin

cool N-art btw


I need to rate your maps now.
just wanted to tell you.

If I could rate


I like. :)


Me too ^^

But it's still aesthetical.


I'm not Jewish

To see, open it in Neditor (in main menu, press tilde (~) , paste the map data to the text box, press L to load it, then press E to see it in the editor.

After then come an swear to me because i wasted your time :P

it makes

pretty shapes

