today's events

Thumbnail of the map 'today's events'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Brttrx
Tags author:brttrx playable unrated
Created 2010-11-06
Last Modified 2010-11-06
Map Data

Description beer

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Overoptimistic' Thumbnail of the map 'WI' Thumbnail of the map 'no-Doz' Thumbnail of the map 'Pack Another' Thumbnail of the map 'Paint that shit gold' Thumbnail of the map 'Zoloft'
Overoptimistic WI no-Doz Pack Another Paint that shit gold Zoloft


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but then again nevermind.


I was ever so thrilled when I got back up... Then I died :(
Demo Data

I hope

maps like this one that don't get much attention are somehow remembered or recognized in some way in the future. I thought this was pretty solid, but I see worse maps given more attention very frequently. Meh.


Alc was gonna be my saturday, until we got carded for the first time at our sketchy, Mexican-run ace in the hole.

Oh and btw

this map is sexy
Demo Data

The geej misses you

have one of his crappy runs as a sign of his missing you
Demo Data

this is intense

I played this like 50 times and it was still fun all through them all! saved!