5-4 Old Western Shootout

Thumbnail of the map '5-4 Old Western Shootout'

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Author evanmce
Tags author:evanmce chainguns douche friedchicken shootout unrated
Created 2010-11-03
Last Modified 2010-11-03
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Dear chain-gun drones. Way to be a douche-bag. Rate and comment :D

Other maps by this author

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4-3 Butterflies and Broken Glass 4-4 Warm Tape 5-0 Hauntingly Beautiful 5-1 Sanskrit 5-2 Saffron 5-3 Little Tyke


Pages: (0)


Silly map

most of the gold demo
Demo Data

3,5/5 rounded up

Really hard to AGD.

Demo Data


a nice corner jump and a couple of dodges.
Demo Data


a nice corner jump and a couple of dodges.
Demo Data