Gold Rush

Thumbnail of the map 'Gold Rush'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Gioum
Tags author:gioum experimental fun goldrush leaderboards medium rated
Created 2010-10-31
Last Modified 2010-10-31
by 14 people.
Map Data

Description this level has it's own challenge: EXIT THE LEVEL WITH AS MUCH GOLD AS POSSIBLE!!!
I even have the motivation to make a:

(I need solid proof, {img})

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Ninja Pulse' Thumbnail of the map 'Kolossal Tower' Thumbnail of the map 'Gold Meteorite Rain' Thumbnail of the map 'Gold Meteorite Rain' Thumbnail of the map 'Path Swap' Thumbnail of the map 'Crossover'
Ninja Pulse Kolossal Tower Gold Meteorite Rain Gold Meteorite Rain Path Swap Crossover


Pages: (0)


you're weird

MUCH better

although the concept you used has been used before, i did like how you used it here. the combo of the bblocks and the Oneway blocks was good. Unfortunately the rockets didnt pose any real threat and the gauss was only slightly dangerous. I also didnt like how MUCH gold there was. it was spammy. and people dont like spammy objects.

overall this would recieve from me (ignoring the spammy gold) probably a 2.5-3 but i already rated out of haste.

What bout now




TOTAl sarcasm. it was sarcasm-gasm

dont worry

it still is ;D

its just a comment generator apparently
I'm done

Also Geej, I can't tell whether that was a sarcastic comment or whether you actually don't know how *_* If you don't, the tag is {img}. If it was sarcastic, I've known that for quite some time :p


10+ comments and 3 ratings, in 40 minutes.
this ain't so crappy at all eh :D


well too bad :3
and wow, this is like my map with most attention, being the crappiest one tho.


you came back


There ya go. Not trying to be a jackass, simply constructive. If this had some form or reason or purpose to it i would be inclined to rate higher but its just a jumbled bunch of gold with a large grid of gold and some words scribbled in gold......... not very purposeful :P something more organized or purposeful would definitely merit a higher assessment.
pressing S does, though.

Thinking about it

I think i can make something useful and organized with this... next morning, then I think of Chocolate Rain

Hey man

no need for defense. I said it was actually kinda amusing. just not really rate worthy. The descrip was worth a chuckle or two.

Being honest

I don't show care at all to this map, I think the description is more important that the map itself, so yeaah...


"Why?" you may ask.

While I do find this map+description mildly amusing, I am asked to rate on the quality of the map itself. While this must have taken a long time to do, little to no thought went into it and zero creativity or mapping talent came into play. I'm sure you're a very creative, talented person but it doesnt show here. Therefor i deem that this map warrants, as my avatar states, a 0/10, or in NUMA ratings, 0/5.

this is impressive

the amount of time this must have taken is interesting



Good map

Very yellow.