Thumbnail of the map 'CAUTION'

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Author AD4M-V
Tags author:ad4m-v drones fun hard mine rated
Created 2010-10-11
Last Modified 2010-10-11
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description Third submitted map. Enjoy! ^_-"

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'TilDead'


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I like this. 4/5 and faved.

+1 to ddrave

But i have a few things to add, firtsly: You made an amazing map for a beginner, if you make more like these you shouldn't have to worry about views, they'll come automatically.
Secondly, in my mind you made a few beginner mistakes with this map wich i would like to correct:
1: You put bounce blocks in, for no apparent reason, they slowed me down, irritated me, and overall they didn't add anything to the map.
2: Don't put gold on your switches, it tags you as a (the N word) in the mind of many people around here.
Lastly: Welcome to Numa!

from Daik
Demo Data

60s Metanet FTW

if i may say so, for your third map, amazing.

I absolutely love how you've grasped the concept that truly, you don't need many objects to make a good map. I love your use of drones and floorguards as synchro type entity, that actively challenges the player.

Difficulty as well was very nice. It wasn't insanely easy, but it wasn't insanely hard. it was very much inbetween, and that was great. Plus, because the map looks so simple, it looks easy, which is immediately corrected by the floorguard on the bottom central area. that one was a bit interesting to get by. Also, the lower left floorguard when coming back down from the exit key was a bit tricky too.

Normally, I would comment on the fact that you forced the player to redo all the elements in your map backwards (redundancy usually is really bad in a map) but truly, it worked amazingly in this map. It felt completely different coming down than going up. Great job on that.

The thwump however, felt a bit out of place in the map. so did a couple of the bounceblocks.

I did like the single gold pieces, as it was a break from what most mappers do (clumps of organized gold). It was very interesting. Also what looked good was the tileset. It wasn't too repetitive, yet kept a constant, pleasing-to-look-at theme to it.

Overall, great job with the map. I enjoyed it alot. 4/5.

I really hope you keep mapping. I want to see what you can produce. :D