Hatred From The Heart

Thumbnail of the map 'Hatred From The Heart'

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Author Sunset
Tags action author:sunset conscious hours unrated
Created 2010-09-30
Last Modified 2010-09-30
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Inspiration from Yahoozy's "Bay of Pigs (205866)"

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Face To Face' Thumbnail of the map 'Major Kong Rides the Bomb' Thumbnail of the map 'Happy Jack' Thumbnail of the map 'Boxes of Ice' Thumbnail of the map 'Dynamo-Ko-To-Yy' Thumbnail of the map 'Branching'
Face To Face Major Kong Rides the Bomb Happy Jack Boxes of Ice Dynamo-Ko-To-Yy Branching


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Wiith a soft rock kind of style.