Coal Wisps in Twilight

Thumbnail of the map 'Coal Wisps in Twilight'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author romaniac
Tags action author:romaniac n-art rated
Created 2010-09-30
Last Modified 2010-09-30
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description Be delicate.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Barcode Hack' Thumbnail of the map 'The Odessa Machine' Thumbnail of the map 'My fine, feathered friend.' Thumbnail of the map 'Always the Bridesmaid' Thumbnail of the map 'BP 6+' Thumbnail of the map 'Confluence'
Barcode Hack The Odessa Machine My fine, feathered friend. Always the Bridesmaid BP 6+ Confluence


Pages: (0)


freaken awesome

What iban said.

Thwump was cool, but interrupted the smooth gameplay. Chaingun worked excellent. Also 4.


andreas_xx does not play

IT'S ChrisE!!!
You can not delete the objects that are already on the map (my little signature and the "c" of collab).

Regarding the tiles:

. You can not modify the space of the playable area.
. The 'E' tiles, the '5' tiles and other tiles within the playable area you can move and turn to your liking. Always within the playable area and respecting their ways if they form groups. You can not even add or remove tiles. Just move and turn (relocate). Must have the same amount of tiles within the playable area in the original one.
. You can change slightly and giving a personal touch in the lines decorative exterior tiles.

You must create a personal style and some similarities in the gameplay.
You must create progressive difficulty between the maps.
You must name each map as you want.

When you complete the 5 maps, you have to send them to me the following email address:

This is so they can not watch what others do.
So as not to lose inspiration. And not having influences.
Also, when the mappack is compiled will be a better surprise for all.

Good luck and have fun creating the best maps.



I propose you something.

My next episode 8 is a collaboration with apakenua.
I have created 5 tilesets with a similar style and apakenua places the objects creating the same style and gameplay with increasing difficulty.

I want you and others (Sunset, miststalker06, lsudny, fireburnsfree, rozer, Chrdrenkmann, andreas_xx, brinleyfish, and AVATAR_FANATIC) collaborate in the creation of a bonus mappack.

At ten I deliver you the 5 tilesets and ask the same thing to apakenua.
Include the bjects in the maps, creating a similar concept and gameplay, with progressive difficulty in episode.

No one could watch the episode 8 or any other maps.
Each of you will create the episode in its own way.
If being influenced by what he did the other.

It may be interesting to include in a mappack all the maps and then see the style you created each one, differences and similarities.
Everyone can play the mappack.

What do you think? I give you the 5 tilesets?

I await your response

very cool map

it played decent. nothing exciting.




hello friend...

Thanks for playing and commenting on my maps.
I know I'm learning how to create them.
But they need someone like you who try to play them and beat them.
I forgot to tell you very good Demos, Romaniac ...
I would like to see demos of him in the following maps:
(If you want of course)

00-4: Amalasunta [] - Sensei Map
01-2: SinZple Battenburg Cavern [] - I think is intense
02-2: Oikake [] - Nobody play my PacMan Episode
03-1: Barquero Positivo [] - Rooms, it's just for your skill
03-4: Ove Techno II [] - AGD is harder, beat AGD and win a Ded!
Thanks for playing and criticism!!

I enjoyed it

there were only a few points that I disliked, because they forced a stop to an otherwise clear sailing run (like the thwump) but I liked how this is with the chaingun. 4

it was alright

a little bland though, tileset looked really cool in thumbnail. less cool in full view, but still an enjoyable map, 3.5 down
Demo Data

kudos for

sub 1000 AGD's
Demo Data