Mine Dodging Session

Thumbnail of the map 'Mine Dodging Session'

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Author deep_blue
Tags author:deep_blue fun unrated
Created 2010-09-29
Last Modified 2010-09-29
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
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Description mines

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Terra Absurdius Globe Builders 10 minutes Bamboo Training Croak Bros. Vampire 'n' Joker


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So i think you need to make the thumbnail look better. It looks all piecemeal and thrown together, which doesn't look appealing to many.
Having a big LOL and a sort of cog thing doesn't really help it in any way. Also you could try using smaller snapping (c-snap) to get smoother lines for the mines. It's just the little things that make it more appealing to play, even if they don't directly influence the gameplay.
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