rhydon used earthquake

Thumbnail of the map 'rhydon used earthquake'

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Author Orange
Tags action author:orange buddylee earthquake rhydon unrated used
Created 2010-09-26
Last Modified 2010-09-26
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description its super effective

collaboration with buddylee

Other maps by this author

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Packt Like Sardines in a Crushd Tin Box Salisbury Construction & Excavation Co. One Small Victory Skyhopper Bacardi Elevators International Revulsion System.


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There are multiple ways to do just about everything in this map. Depending on which route you take, the bottom will seem more or less difficult. Hence, the difficulty curve seems pretty consistent to me. Here's one of the three ways to leave the bottom area.
Demo Data


getting up from the bottom area was annoying. I didn't feel an increasing curve of difficulty was necessary here, but well, not bad.