What a trip

Thumbnail of the map 'What a trip'

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Author Hyjinx
Tags 2 action author:hyjinx playable rated
Created 2010-09-24
Last Modified 2010-09-24
by 25 people.
Map Data

Description 'ello Numa, I am glad you guys welcomed me with such open arms. T'is much appreciated. Here is my second map and I hope this is enjoyed even more.
With many thoughts,

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'A perfectly beautiful adventure'
A perfectly beautiful adventure


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That's just how long it takes for *your* maps to get a public rate.


Skyline's obviously bluffing otherwise you'd be banned now; plus, they aren't even capable of checking IPs!
Go ahead and come out with it when you want to.

I had fun.

Whole map felt a little cramped though.
more and more entertaining.
I meant average.


knows where it's at.

Anyway, decent map. The gameplay was cramped and icky, and I found the gold placement pretty but annoying to collect. Some of the tile shapes were sexy, and I liked the door switch layout, but overall the gameplay wasn't good. So, 2.5 rounded down from me.

I like the map, that is all that matters.

I just had an epiphany. This is an archive of maps as opposed to a popularity contest.
Demo Data


Cool map =)


simply said. 5/5

what zthing said.. but with a 4 instead ;)

Awesome tiles.

Messy object placement. Gameplay was decent. 3
I rather disliked it. I would greatly prefer that I had 5 people comment rather than 5 people rate.
there's only 2 people who commented on this map (not counting you :p) and there's 5 rates. a rated map usually takes about 1 hour to get for the best of us.

Eh, been a bit.

but not an awfully long time.
not half bad for a second map
you must have been playing 'N' for a while now.. havent you?

I'm sorry, what?

I'm quite confused.
suspect. I'll be keeping my eye on you, kind sir.

Thanks mate

I'm glad you enjoyed it!

oh shit.

this is some bad ass gameplay.
Demo Data