The Holes Of Murder

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Author loggerdreng
Tags author:loggerdreng playable race rated
Created 2005-12-03
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description This is a funny level i screwed it up, but its possible to win it, just be fast in the beginning! PLZ VOTE AND REVIEW!!

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Thumbnail of the map 'DANGER!!!'


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I have a amd 64 3000+ which by todays standards is slightly above average and im getting 70ms/f. I consider that laggy and flash games lag way more than normal games would. Flash does not support video card acceleration. The whole game is run on the processor. Flash games lag way more than any other type of game. I can get 40+fps in battlefeild 2 and your telling me that I should get a new computer because some noob decided to spam guys everywhere?


just boo
Maybe its laggy cause i set so many door openers in the beginning, i dont know why xactly the last enemies dont attack... And if u say cluster, then... WTF does cluster mean?? Well use this level to do somthing to it and show me ur idea, instead of say it cluster...


4 people agree that its laggy, so its laggy. Have you read the part of the site where it teaches you how to make a map, and it specifically says dont cluster. Clustering makes the map laggy, stupid and unnecessary.


no your wrong nemeta, this is the laggyest level Ive ever seen and there is no excuse for makeing a shitty map like this.


you havnt played many maps
this map was NOTHING
if your comp lags here, you comp is a piece of crap

this map doesnt have that many enemies, is just LOOKS like it b/c most of them are all cramped together

and this being the only one that lags somebodys comp is complete BS, unless you managed to bog down(its a semi-technical term, it does actually mean something specific) your cpu before playing it, and then fixing your cpu right after, your just plainly wrong

i am really tired of people complaining about lag
its your fault for screwing your computer up, ITS A FLASH GAME, FLASH GAMES SHOULD NOT LAG ANYBODY

uhh dude...

yeah i was going at 80-120 ms/f thats some SERIOUS lag, this map wins the award for only map that laggs my comp


and laggy, YES laggy, and i may complain about that because it's totally unecessary

i agree

you screwed it up all right, that level is rediculously easy

your spamming of guys int he last room only makes it so NONE attack you....NONE until after youve won

and i really dislike people who complain about lag, admitted, its a big flash game, but its still a flash game, and ive said it before, and here it is again, if you lag on a flash game, GET A NEW COMPUTER or better hardware...because its your own fault, so dont complain


So much lag its not even funny!!! CLUSTERING IS THE ENEMY