Accepting Your Limitations

Thumbnail of the map 'Accepting Your Limitations'

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Author pocketchange24641
Tags author:pocketchange24641 minejumper rated sensei
Created 2010-09-01
Last Modified 2014-11-01
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description Or else.

(developer comments)

This was made for the sensei contest, which if i remember correctly, was only those 6 and 7 tiles (i think that's it, whatever i used here in the map) and mines. This led me to make a minejumper, but I really wanted to give the feeling of a sensei, so I based the map around honing your concentration. This then led to a survival feel, so I added early exits for those who couldn't make it that far, hence the name. One of my faves. (Also I wish it had won :c but oh well)

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Even More Triangles' Thumbnail of the map 'So Many Triangles!' Thumbnail of the map 'Rug Burn' Thumbnail of the map 'Isometricity' Thumbnail of the map 'Chasm Canyon' Thumbnail of the map 'Bungee Jumping But Without The Bungee'
Even More Triangles So Many Triangles! Rug Burn Isometricity Chasm Canyon Bungee Jumping But Without The Bungee


Pages: (0)


This map. Very fucking interesting. 5aved

Death demo/.

Everything after the second exit switch is first try, Everything between the first and the second exits, second try.
Demo Data

do you

want to collab sometime?


this was good
I couldn't accept stopping 3/4 of the way through
then I hit a mine
then I was like "damamnanamanamn"
good map


I died at the top left corner...


reasonably fast. there we go haha, nice one
Demo Data


shit, I enjoyed it though. I mean, kinda plain, but enjoyable, mainly because of a nice and consistently moderate difficulty
Demo Data