14-2 Proteases

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Author BluePretzel
Tags 14-2 author:bluepretzel hard highscore medium series unrated
Created 2010-08-29
Last Modified 2010-08-29
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
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Description om nom nom nom

Other maps by this author

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13-2 Hassel Cassel 13-3 These choices will win it or lose it 13-4 Palmer Fortress Rainy Days 14-0 Anger Issues 14-1 Of Interest 1


Pages: (0)

Score: 143.325
587 frames
Demo Data


Demo Data

So fun

I needed this 5aved

I cant get past 57 frames on SpeedRun and ill try AGD later :P
please read my comment on Lightning55's channel. Thanks :)


It's slow, so your challenge is to beat it.

Protease: noun. An enzyme located in the digestive system that breaks down proteins. These ones appear happy for some reason. And they're encrusted with gold. Weird, huh?
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