Barrows For Kings

Thumbnail of the map 'Barrows For Kings'

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Author drayr
Tags action author:drayr unrated
Created 2010-08-11
Last Modified 2012-07-25
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description You can run this quickly in some parts, or all of it if you're good, but part of the challenge is to properly time the laser drones; there are meant to be breaks in the flow.

Don't be afraid of the thwumps, they're mostly harmless.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Arduino' Thumbnail of the map 'Night Scene of Red River' Thumbnail of the map 'Erstwhile Avalanche' Thumbnail of the map 'Can You Hear Me Now?' Thumbnail of the map 'You, Your Buddy, and About Eight Dozen Angry Bolivians'
Arduino Night Scene of Red River Erstwhile Avalanche Can You Hear Me Now? You, Your Buddy, and About Eight Dozen Angry Bolivians


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Here's a replay that better shows what I as trying to achieve with this map. I thought the gold would be a good enough motivation to use the top ledges in the bottom section, but I dunno...
Demo Data

Demo Data

Oh, thwumps

They have so many weird glitches. Those lasers are really effective!


Not all that fast.
Demo Data