
Thumbnail of the map 'wanderspirit'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author MyCheezKilledYours
Tags author:mycheezkilledyours moa-reject unrated
Created 2010-08-04
Last Modified 2010-08-04
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Memoirs people suck.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Aspire' Thumbnail of the map 'rust mass' Thumbnail of the map 'furry_bot x trippin balls' Thumbnail of the map 'cavewonder' Thumbnail of the map 'Fly on, Little Wing' Thumbnail of the map 'A Wish Full of Dreams'
Aspire rust mass furry_bot x trippin balls cavewonder Fly on, Little Wing A Wish Full of Dreams


Pages: (0)


probably can beat the drone going up

5aved, i love your maps man
Demo Data

Beat karmapolice

i love the one way idea, heres my speedrun
Demo Data

I like the idea

of objects only where you need them. Tiles need some polish, though. 4/5. I enjoyed it.
Demo Data

So I suck, you suck and everyone in MOA sucks? Thanks, man. :C

crappy demo, but fun map! the oneway kinda gets annoying, would be more interesting without it, but I like, nice drone too :]
Demo Data

not good at all

messy, and very poor mechanics


More or less a hundred maps left to be put in.