
Thumbnail of the map 'Creak'

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Author Godless
Tags author:godless ghosty playable unrated
Created 2010-07-12
Last Modified 2010-07-19
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Made from one of my earlier tilesets.

Ghosty #3.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Avalon Landing' Thumbnail of the map 'Existentialist in Repose' Thumbnail of the map 'Johnny Shrinking Shallow-Water Syndrome' Thumbnail of the map 'NovemberTown' Thumbnail of the map 'Rise of the Reincarnationist' Thumbnail of the map 'Return of the Olive'
Avalon Landing Existentialist in Repose Johnny Shrinking Shallow-Water Syndrome NovemberTown Rise of the Reincarnationist Return of the Olive


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Demo Data

That's a good point actually. I'll edit that. Thanks :)

Thanks for commenting on a few of my maps. :)

I really like the tiles on this one, had some very nice atmosphere. It was fun trying to find good paths in between the gold and rocket dodging. The only thing I didnt realy like was that on the right side the exit door was in the way. D; It would be nice if it was in a more out of the way place.

3.5/5 (rounded up)

sorry! people came to visit my grandmother since she came back after 4 months last week and I didn't even get the chance to breath, I end really early on friday and am off on sunday again, hopefully we can make some progress :]

If you say so.

Felt like a beach

Or a desert. But something open nonetheless.

How so?

very cool

last patch of gold was a little too hard to get. It doesn't fit the theme for ghosty though.

Ah man,

well it played fine but I'm sad you didn't incorp. more of the tiles into the gameplay; There's deff. potential there!
and how you did the clouds. Imma play it right now

Very tight.

It's nice, but I complain about the tightness of the map, squeezing through those mines.