TBC - Zen Temple of the Skies

Thumbnail of the map 'TBC - Zen Temple of the Skies'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author BluePretzel
Tags author:bluepretzel highscore rated tbc tbc1 temple zen
Created 2010-07-04
Last Modified 2010-07-04
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description My entry to the 'The Biweekly Challenge' and also a heads up that I'm going on hols for the rest of the week (today is Monday where I am), so I wont be on.
Theme: Be Zen. Non-agressive enemies is what I was looking for. Enjoy guys!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '5-4 Circus Tricks' Thumbnail of the map '6-0 TTS: Pines' Thumbnail of the map 'The Hall of Sorrows' Thumbnail of the map 'Never Let Your Guard Down' Thumbnail of the map '6-1 TTS: Oaks' Thumbnail of the map '6-2 TTS: Palms'
5-4 Circus Tricks 6-0 TTS: Pines The Hall of Sorrows Never Let Your Guard Down 6-1 TTS: Oaks 6-2 TTS: Palms


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this is a really great map. i'm just sad that it doesn't qualify for the contest. well, wait, uh, tell ya what. i'll /try/ to get it into the contest, but there's gonna be alot of points taken off. no promises, but i'll try.

[time don't lose it]
But personnaly i accept that you make another level...
Please check my new post on the tread on the forum ;)

Invalid is right

I clearly stated "WITHOUT any "active" enemies (i.e. ZAP DRONES,, FLOOR GUARDS".

Sorry, but you can't change your map nor post a new one. It will only cost you points for theme , though.
The Biweekly Challenge [].


think it's maxed.
Demo Data

Sub-500 AGD

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Slightly faster

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the only enemies u can use are mines

Very fun

it's fast and good to highscore, as you said.
Demo Data

Biweekly challenge?

What's that? Link please? :)


Personally, I think thos is an awesome highscorer :3
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