Michigan Peyness Harbordock

Thumbnail of the map 'Michigan Peyness Harbordock'

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Author ratatat_
Tags author:ratatat_ bio conch ganteka rat unrated
Created 2010-06-23
Last Modified 2010-06-23
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description I seem to find myself on IRC more and more lately, and it's resulted in two collabs in less time than it took me to make my last map. This one is the result of Ganteka and myself, along with Depthmetal or Bio, whatever he's calling himself these days.

The tiles were my creation but Ganteka made most of the objects.

Bio edited the tiles.

It's a queen conch, if you didn't recognize the tiles.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'In the Old Country' Thumbnail of the map 'Croaton' Thumbnail of the map 'Cream' Thumbnail of the map 'Tribute to Ale' Thumbnail of the map 'Fundamental' Thumbnail of the map 'Stone . . . drat'
In the Old Country Croaton Cream Tribute to Ale Fundamental Stone . . . drat


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Where are you?
I searched up "Grim Reaper" on google and that came up. Still, it's pretty cool.


I made the tiles a while back, my best art I think, and really the only art.

aero made a map from them, I'm pretty sure.

Anyway here's the original if you want to look:

conch []


Been awhile since I've seen anybody use that tileset.
It wasn't too bad for me, if I took it kinda slow and didn't try to get a fast agd.

I might make another that's more mellow.

It's /very/ hard.

like, I can't even do more than the gold tunnel near the start. :S
courtesy of a semester in the Bahamas.

I like those tiles.

And I didn't touch the objects.