Scenes with Sharp Objects

Thumbnail of the map 'Scenes with Sharp Objects'

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Author gloomp
Tags author:gloomp collaboration notkitt objects rated scenes sharp
Created 2010-06-11
Last Modified 2010-06-11
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description notkitt and gloomp. This is probably an awful map, don't bother.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Dead Tones' Thumbnail of the map 'anna anna anna' Thumbnail of the map 'lyyyj' Thumbnail of the map 'Data Bank' Thumbnail of the map 'jacqueline kennedy after shooting her second husband' Thumbnail of the map 'The Sapphire Sahara Mines'
Dead Tones anna anna anna lyyyj Data Bank jacqueline kennedy after shooting her second husband The Sapphire Sahara Mines


Pages: (0)

Whay don't you have new maps? Have new maps. Now. I command you. ABRA-KA-ZAM!
make a map so i can rant praise it and rate it 5 0

i loved this

there were so many cool mechanics woven in, and i loved how the drone pathing in the upper right worked. faved.

horrible demo
Demo Data

I understand it...

I understand that people can dislike my maps, I accept it. But I delisted that because of snipers; I understand that both people gave me 2, but they said they give 4. Is there a person which writes that he gives 5 but gives 2? I don't think so. So this is why I accuse snipers, and that's why I delisted it. God, it's just a delisted map, like tons of others.

You are the sunshine of my life.

Arg man...

Its maybe a bit late but, i wanna say that you're really pathetic.
You commented to me:"I don't like you you'll never amount to anything in life."
Do you know what you are? you are the most goddamn excrement of Satan.
You don't wealth it to be an excrement of Satan. i think you're not an Homo-Sapiëns sapiëns, you're an Australopiticus. I can not support you is very sweet. And if the modernators ban me, it cannot care me, its more fortunetly then have an account with you on the same site. You've got luck you don't go to the same school as i but when it was so, then i shall put your penis into your pathetic and dirty mounth.( do you have really got a penis?)
then i shall rip open your stomach and warp the acid over your uncompleted and very little empty head. I shall put off your both legs with a knife and spread your organs over the whole world, then i shall burn your head and put the ashes into the core of the earth. Not methan, not Co2 not the great oil rampage in Mexico but you are the greatest envoiriment rampage in the whole galaxy.And i think the habitans of Haïti have got a better house then you've got.So, i hope you leave me now, or i shall write a new book to you.


so I was
getting a
super AGD demo
and then
the rocket got me on
the final jump
to the exit



the Polanski of modern painting.


hmmmmmmmm. what is your avatar? also,




not stream

gets my vote for most obnoxiously placed gold of the month

not awful, but all over the place.

i made

that golden tongue